About Spirit Wisdom

Bringing light to life.

At Spirit Wisdom, we believe every individual holds a divine spirit within, waiting to be awakened and connected with the universe. Our mission is to help you tap into this profound wisdom, guiding you to flourish in life and embrace the joy of your journey.


Our Essence

We bring the divine consciousness into the earthly realm, assisting others in embodying their own divine consciousness. This allows them to live more joyously and fulfill their destined purpose. For those who seek a deeper understanding of themselves and yearn for divine guidance in making life decisions, Spirit Wisdom is the beacon.


Who We Serve

Our primary focus is on adults eager for growth—those who recognize their current life stage and yearn to transition to another, seeking support in their forward journey. We offer sessions via phone and Zoom, starting one-on-one and eventually expanding to group sessions. Beyond individuals, we also extend our healing to environments and organizations in need.

Why Choose Spirit Wisdom?



Illuminate your path with clear insights



Strengthen your bond with your essence

Comfort & Well-being


Find solace and peace in our nurturing guidance



Anchor yourself firmly in the present moment’s embrace


Rekindle passion, optimism and happiness in your life

About Sonya

A visionary educational consultant and spiritual counselor, Sonya has been involved in supporting individuals and groups to achieve their potential for over thirty years. She uses different modalities in her work including empowerment coaching, channeling, mediumship, ancestral guidance, crystalline technologies and energy healing. With grounded practical guidance, Sonya bridges the seen and unseen worlds for the benefit of those with whom she works.

Sonya - Spirit Wisdom